Saturday, May 30, 2009

just a little tribute

today was the funeral of a family's little girl and the father wrote a beautiful poem in memory of their daughter. i hope he doesnt mind that i post it, i just felt so touched by it..

from heaven above to families below.
Heavenly Father sends children, to be loved and to grow.
you arrived a bit early, twenty-four weeks and two days,
one pound and ten ounces. oh you were so brave

your short little life was full as could be.
from heartbreak to miracles, you helped many to see.
you inspired not one, not two but all who came near.
we learned to pray with a purpose, to let heaven draw near.

your eyes fused shut at the start of your trial.
we pleaded with heaven, your body so frail.
as the days went along, you became healthy and strong.
your body so small became chubby and long.

your eyes opened up, so wide and so bright.
we could not help but see your great light.
you came to the earth to follow God's plan.
your life had a purpose; we saw it so grand!

at thirteen weeks and four days, we said our goodbyes.
we love you, we miss you, especially those eyes.
to heaven you go to await the great day.
when your body will rise for always to stay.

we love you, we miss you, you are ours forever sure.
one day we will hug; as for now, we endure.
as we are faithful, God's promise assures...
keep smiling little "bright eyes". God's peace is now yours

RIP Jessica Stone.. you are an inspiration of strength..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

yay for gades!!!!! and other stuff!

so this semester has been truly one of the most challenging ones for me, i have waited and waited for my grades to be posted and ALL are finally in!!!!!

A anthropology
A linguistics
A broadway history
B sign langauge 5 (( teacher only gives out B's and doesnt believe in giving A's)) so im officially counting this as a STRAIGHT A SEMESTER!!!!!!!!!

im so happy!!!!!!!!!

side note now... im L-O-V-I-N-G singles ward... i think by the end of the summer it will be a full time setting for me...i am leaning more towards transferring my records there after summer. i LOVE going to singles ward. everyone there is extremely nice, guys arent bad to look at at all ;) haha, and i just get such a great vibe from being there. i went VT yesterday and one of the women that i VT said that she noticed that i was glowing. which seemed odd to me but i do actually feel much happier there. yay!!!

<3 hil

Sunday, May 3, 2009


so here is my next update :) it has been some time since my last post and just thought id take some time and tell you all some about 2-3 weeks ago it was my sister Amy's birthday and the Sunday before we were talking about "WICKED" tickets and how they were 130+ we were all depressed because we really wanted to go!!!! so i was planning on getting them either way no matter what so i actually got them for her Birthday. now i am the best sister in the world :P jk but im excited, shes excited and the funny thing is it didnt cost that much as it was on the internet.... weird....anyway so i got the tickets and im sooooo excited they are july 16th and second row ALMOST center..... the funny part of this story is that mom gets these promotional codes and i noticed that my sisters friend becki was online on facebook and she had posted a "wicked" advertisement and i posted a comment saying HEY i just got mine (not realizing that it still was not possible to get them publically now. so we talked for a while and i gave her the promotion code and now she loves me :) haha then on friday i went to work and my boss just couldnt wait to get her tickets and so i gave HER the promotion code and she got her tickets right then and there and then txted HER friend gave HER the code and SHE got her tickets....all in all i helped like 20 people get tickets and that made me feel good :)

so yeah theres my funny story